SEO and PPC are two different ways of marketing your business online. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, while PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click advertising.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a long term strategy. It involves optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in search engine results for specific keywords or phrases. This is done by making sure your website is easy for search engines to crawl and index. You want to create quality content that is relevant to your audience. It should target keywords, and building high-quality backlinks to your site. The goal of SEO is to increase organic traffic to your website over time.

SEO is a long-term strategy that requires ongoing efforts to maintain and improve your website’s rankings. It involves a combination of technical expertise, content creation, and outreach efforts to build high-quality backlinks and authority for your site. It is not a set it and forget it if you want it to be successful. Google is regularly updating their algorithms. Therefore, marketers will want to stay abreast of the changes and adjust their efforts accordingly. The best rule of thumb, is to focus on giving your target customers what they want. Then, you can see how it fits into an SEO implementation.


PPC, on the other hand, involves paying for ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages for specific keywords or phrases. These ads are charged on a pay-per-click basis, meaning you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The goal of PPC is to drive traffic to your website quickly. It can be expensive and the traffic is not guaranteed to convert to sales. You still have to optimize your landing pages for optimal conversions.

PPC, being a short term strategy to increase targeted traffic and brand awareness. It does require more than choosing the target, keywords, and creating the ads. You will want to make sure that you have built a landing page intended to convert users. A conversion may be a sale, order, or contact. Analyzing the data can help you make the necessary adjustments to your ads and landing pages. The campaigns should be regularly reviewed and updated, optimizing them for the best ROI.

SEO is a long-term strategy that aims to increase organic traffic to your website over time. PPC is a short-term strategy that involves paying for ads to drive traffic to your website quickly and increase brand awareness. Both strategies have their pros and cons. A combination of both is often the most effective strategy for marketing your business online.