Cyber Security Awareness Training

Improve Your Security Posture with
Employee Security Awareness Training

Cyber Security Awareness Training for Employees

Just as you educate your employees about company policy and procedures, you need to educate them about your cyber security expectations. Employee security awareness training can help prevent data breaches, strengthen your cyber security defenses, and more. In fact, over 90% of cyber security incidents are linked to people! If you don’t teach employees what to look out for, they are more likely to fall for a scam. Cyber criminals are smart, creative, and relentless. They are always coming up with new techniques to trick us or steal our information. The sophistication of these attacks keeps security experts on their toes to keep criminals out! But, your true first line of defense is users! If your employees know not to click on a phishing email, open an unsafe attachment, or visit that “too good to be true” website, then those criminals don’t have a doorway in.

Security Awareness Training Programs

Our security awareness training programs give you the tools to:

  • Get a baseline of your employees
  • Use current, easy to digest content to educate your staff
  • Customize your content
  • Schedule employee training
  • Quiz employees on what they have retained
  • Perform scheduled phishing simulations to keep your staff sharp
  • Get insights with detailed reporting and executive summaries

Why Offer Employee Security Awareness Training?

Prevent Data Breaches

The most obvious reason to provide security awareness training is to stop data breaches. Since most breaches start with people, you must train people and teach them the right expectations and behaviors that will keep them and your business safe. Data breaches are at an all-time high and only continue to increase. Criminals are constantly changing tactics, so keeping your staff in the know can help prevent data breaches.

Build a Culture of Security

Building security into your culture and being part of the fabric of how you do business can be challenging. Being committed to security awareness training will help build cyber security into the culture. You are showing your employees it is important and defining how you want security handled in your organization.

Have Robust Defenses

People make decisions. People write malicious codes and codes to stop criminals. When people start working together, they can make better decisions about what needs to be done and how to protect the business against cyber criminals. Cyber Security Awareness Training will strengthen other securities you have in place.

Give Customer Confidence

With so many business compromises, customers have lost trust and confidence in many companies. They often do not believe businesses are taking cyber security seriously or doing enough. Consumers are avoiding doing business with a company that has recently experienced a cyber-attack or compromise. If you are a business that takes security seriously, you can gain the confidence of these customers.

Be Socially Responsible

When you get compromised you are putting your customers, vendors, employees, and everyone’s information that you hold at risk. It is like leaving your front door open with your neighbor’s key in the doorway. It is the right thing to do not just to protect your company, but everyone you work with by putting security measures in place. Training helps to ensure everyone understands and can adhere to them.

Improve Employee Well-Being and Confidence

By providing cyber security awareness training for your employees, you teach them to be safe at work and at home, affecting their overall well-being. You are investing in them and making security a priority. This will breed confidence that their company cares about their safety and overall well-being.


As new cyber security compliance requirements are being enforced, or you just want to follow best practices, security awareness training is a must. As the threat landscape changes it is important to consider where you want your company stance to be.

Lower Insurance Premiums

Cyber payouts are on the rise, which means insurance companies are evaluating their policies. They are requiring more security measures in place, including cyber security awareness training to be implemented or you will pay higher premiums.

How It Works

We strive to make our employee security awareness training services as helpful, personalized, and user-friendly as possible. We provide you with a platform with predefined templates available for you to customize and schedule your training out for as long as you would like. You add your user and then can get reports and updates on their progress.

Don’t have the time to set up the program?

No problem! We can do it all for you on a quarterly or annual basis based on your desired implementation. This allows you to be hands-off of on the backend, while still having the cyber security awareness training in place.

Cyber security awareness Programs should be part of a holistic cyber security approach. You should start with the right policies in place. Part of your training should also include company-specific information on security polices and expectations. This should be a regular ongoing process that helps you build a culture around security so your staff will be vigilant in protecting assets. A training program won’t change behaviors, but a culture can.

Explore our additional cyber security services, or get started with security awareness training today.

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Security awareness training is a companywide initiative to help employees identify and avoid cyber threats in the workplace. It is an effort to stop human errors and insider threats from data breaches.

The topics on cyber security awareness training include the current threats. This can be changing topic lists as new tactics are constantly being used. Popular topics include phishing, malware, ransomware, insider threats, public wi-fi, charging stations, social engineering, working remotely, physical security, cloud security, and MFA (Multi Factor Authentication).

Each company is different, so you can schedule based on your business’s needs. A minimum of once a year is recommended.

When looking at your ROI, you want to consider the cost of a data breach. Therefore, your ROI tends to be relative to the opportunity cost. Avoiding the cost of a breach is priceless, when it comes to your reputation and other nonpunitive damages. For more information on security awareness training pricing, contact us today.