How Acceleration of Technology will Impact the Business World

As a business executive, you often have the responsibility of keeping up with current technology trends to boost productivity, lower expenses, strengthen your brand value, enable new collaboration and maximize profitability.

If you are thinking of using technology or technology products to your advantage, follow the smart tech acceleration steps.

While tech acceleration is about fast implementations that fix short-term issues and meet immediate needs, smart tech acceleration focuses on implementing technology capable of supporting an organization’s long-term goals and vision.

Your tech acceleration initiatives must be well-planned in order to avoid falling behind or failing to achieve your goals. Therefore, watch out for these mistakes.

Before taking the first step toward tech acceleration, consider three major mistakes to avoid:

Concentrating on rapid advancements or short-term goals

Focusing on short term goals and making fast decisions will not be beneficial in the future of your company. When planning you always want to make a decision that you know will benefit your company long-term. This is the most common mistake that companies make. Short-sighted business executives tend to put the company’s long-term vision on the back burner for quick results. They do this by making hasty decisions that act as a band-aid. Making short fix decisions will impact your business, eventually the band aid will fall off and the issue will grow greater. Although these moves may result in early gains, they often have a negative impact on the company’s future.

What’s more concerning is that many company leaders nowadays tend to prioritize short-term gains. In the long run, however, choosing the easy way out and spending without consideration for the future proves to be wasteful. That’s why it is always advisable to have the patience to create solid foundations and devote the time and work necessary to reap the benefits of compound growth.

Making decisions based on current costs rather than long-term value

Another common mistake made by many executives is the purchase a different product because the price fits their budget more, but the product doesn’t live up to the standards it needs to and will likely cost more money in the future or cause a waste of time.

We see this in a number of government undertakings. Road infrastructure projects are frequently awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. However, since you get the quality and commitment you pay for, projects can take years to complete and cost two to three times more than the initial estimate.

Deploying products that don’t integrate

Data consolidation is a long-term benefit of solutions that integrate successfully. Nonetheless, some executives overlook this, resulting in a mix of disparate technologies that do not work together.

Lack of integration can be a liability for an organization in the long run. It has the potential to slow down or even halt projects until a sufficient integrated infrastructure is in place.

Partner for success

If you fail to overcome these mistakes while adopting tech acceleration, you risk losing ground to your competitors. It’s time to ditch quick fixes that aren’t helping you achieve your goals in favor of smart tech acceleration to help you achieve long-term productivity and operational success.

A managed service provider (MSP) like us can help you manage your technological infrastructure in a more efficient manner. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation to give your IT environment the makeover it needs.

To learn more about the concept of smart tech acceleration, download our infographic.