Security awareness training is crucial to any organization.  IT tools and staff can only do so much to protect a user.  There is a human element to hacking that cyber criminals know how to take advantage of.  It is the company’s responsibility to inform their staff of what is expected of them, and an effective way to do so is by providing awareness training.

Security awareness training is an essential part of a company’s overall cyber security posture, helping to educate employees about the latest threats and best practices in cyber security. There are many reasons security awareness training is important. We will explore a few below.

Mitigating Human Error

Humans are our weakest link when it comes to cyber security. Giving them a fighting chance means educating them. Making them aware of what to look for and what to do is key to their success. Nearly 90% of compromises start with a human, such as a user being tricked or an insider doing malicious things on the network.

Educating employees through security awareness training is important to an organization’s security posture, helping to mitigate the impact of human error.

Reducing Risk

By raising awareness about best practices and potential threats, cyber security training reduces the likelihood of an incident or breach caused by employee errors. In addition, if there is a breach, users are more likely to be able to identify and act quickly.

Educated employees are more likely to adopt secure behaviors, minimizing an organization’s exposure to cyber security risks.

Maintaining Compliance

Many regulations and standards require an organization to have a security and awareness program. Not only will a security awareness training program keep you compliant, but it will protect you from fines, penalties, and legal consequences of being non-compliant.

In addition, it is best to follow today’s best practices, just like having an anti-virus program on your computer. You can expect to see more security and awareness programs being added to regulations and compliance requirements, so be on the lookout.

Detection and Response

By training your staff, they will be more likely to identify threats and report suspicious activities. Therefore, security awareness training can foster a security-minded culture. This enables an organization to detect security breaches more quickly and respond swiftly to mitigate potential damage.

Cost Savings

Imagine the cost of a breach to your organization. The financial cost of loss production, clean up, and reputation management can quickly compound. In addition, if you are required by compliance or regulations, you may have to pay fines.

Security awareness training can help prevent data breaches and cyber security incidents. As a result, it can end up saving your organization money. Security awareness training programs can also lower your cyber security insurance premiums. So, the cost savings can end up being substantial for your business.

Does My Business Need Security Awareness Training?

As cyber risks increase, security awareness training programs are becoming more important than ever as an additional layer to protect businesses from growing threats. Choosing to educate your employees on a regular basis about the latest best practices and threats, only strengthens your defenses and reduces risks and cost.

If you still have questions, contact one of our professionals today for a free consultation, or read about our security awareness training program.